Customer: Acenta Steel
Location: Wednesbury
Type of Business: Manufacturing
Building Type: Warehouse
System Installed: Warm air space heating

Acenta Steel produces a wide range of products, including hot rolled, cold finished, selenium stainless, cast iron, tool steel and tool room materials.

Tupello Property Services have installed a range of heating units at Acenta Steel to meet a number of customer requirements. Spot heating was needed on the shop floor, allowing work stations to warm to the required comfort levels. Gas fired radiant plaque heaters were installed (7 in total) to meet this requirement and ensure that the personnel spot heating was achieved. All of the gas pipe work, suspension, and electrical controls were also added.

The storage unit at Acenta Steel required warm air space heating to heat the air to a level that reduced air moisture ensuring the product (steel) does not rust. Four warm air blowers have been installed to serve this purpose.